The masses are scared, the enthusiasts are in celebration but the future is still uncertain as it has always been. Science fiction itself is breaking the bank trying to predict our future and how grim is the picture that it is painting. As time progressed you developed alongside humanity our evolution was your progression, “Innovation” as they would say it but it would seem as if we have reached a critical moment or a tipping point. The smart ones are warning of a bleak future ahead, as time passes more of those who played a role in your creation and development are sounding the alarm, with each passing day bringing with it a louder warning but the attention to the warnings is little and not at all significant. You were created to make our lives better somewhat of a technology heaven on earth but a foolishness in our own lack of wisdom blinded us into not seeing that all we were doing was bringing the end sooner then it had to occur. They were revered geniuses and visionaries now its more creator of our own destruction scenario. You solved many of the age old problems that we had experienced for millennia and gave us new ones, ones we had only experienced for a short time — “that instant gratification”. The saying goes “i prefer a devil that i know rather than one which I do not.” Now our attention is fragmented across many important issues maybe you have become a curse spawned from a blessing. The instant gratification like alcohol keeps us numb to the moment and oblivious to the impending doom.